sååå bääääst !

genom denna underbara berättelse så fick jag nästan en lärare att börja gråta (a)
hahah !

This is a true story about a girl and a boy. About a girl and a boy that meet each other for the first time.

The girl was just a normal girl in the school. She has friends, studied very well and was nice to everyone. She lived in Stockholm.

The boy was very popular in the school, everyone wants to be his friend and the girls really like him. And he also studies very well and has good certificate in every subject. Every teacher likes him, because he always did the best he can.

He lives in Örebro.

When Håkan, one in her family have birthday party, the girl and the boy met each other for the first time. And that evening changed her life totally. It changed her life to something better.

She looked at boy and he looked like nobody else, as a boy in a dream, she did not know what she should do, what she should say to him. But she tried, and hoped for the best.

She hoped that something would happen between them. On the party, they spoke with each other, and she was in love.

He doesn't fall in love this time, but he thinks she looked sweet. Sweeter than apple pie.

They chatted with each other on MSN for two months, but then the contacts die out. She wondered why, but she didn't do something. Then after two and a half months they met again, on another party for Håkan. The feelings came back, and every thing felt good. 

- Hi, she said and he turned around.

- Hi again, he said when he turned around and looked at the girl. He smiled with the whole face.

-  How are you? She asked and smiled.

- Everything is nice with me, and you? He answered and he couldn't take the eyes off the girl.

- So good! I'm fine, everything is good.

- We have not spoken for a long time. He said and looked at her, looked in her eyes.

- I know, why? She looked back in his eyes and the feeling came back. The love feeling.
- I have had training many times in the week and there has also been very much in the school.

- Okay, I just wonder. In the first weeks we chat every day and I really think that would be something between us, I hope on it. But, I was wrong. That's life I know, and I don't think so much on it now.

- I also hope on that, but I don't think that should go. You live in Stockholm and I in Örebro. But I don't know.

The girl looked at the boy and gave him a hug, then she asked if the should go in and eat.

When they were eating with the other on the party, everyone spook and laughed. The food was very nice and every liked it. When the boy said something to somebody else and the girl was jealous and wished he should say something to her instead. After the food they went and swam, and had fun.

- Do you like it? The boy said to the girl and splashed some water on her.

- Yes, that I really do and you? The girl answered and splashed water on him.

- Of course I like that!

And then the water war started between the boy and the girl.

After the days everyone went home, the girl and the boy went with the chat.

On one holiday in March the girl and her family went to Sälen for skiing and the boy and his family also did that. They met each other in the lift and started to speak. Both were happy for that and everything felt good.   

After Sälen, they spoke with each other every day on the phone.

For now, it was them, the girl and the boy, together!

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